I'll Take My Medication (acrylic, oil pen, and epoxy on cardboard lid assemblage)
Narcissism (acrylic, oil pen, and epoxy on cardboard lid assemblage)
For this show I decided to play with the idea of love. Who wants to see a bunch of hearts and flowers anyway? Love is a loaded term and exploiting the light and dark side of it was way too tempting. So the one above is about self-absorption, a distorted kind of love. Narcissism.
I Just Wanna Talk (acrylic, oil pen, and epoxy on a cardboard lid assemblage) These are pink elephants in overalls holding machine guns. Aren't they fun? They're psycho stalkers. Another distorted type of love.
Public Disclosure of Forbidden Love (acrylic, pencil, and epoxy on wooden assemblage)
I also wanted to show unlikely pairs hooking up. This is Godzilla who fell in love with the nemesis, Spectreman. If you look inside the lizard's belly you can see their love child in utero.
Cult Status: No One Understands My Love for You
(acrylic, pencil, and epoxy on wooden structure with 3 rubber doll heads)
The baby was born and now he's a legend. This is about his obsessive fans.
side view of Cult Status
You Had Me at "Nanu": Mork and Buck Rogers (acrylic, pencil, epoxy and old doll on wooden assemblage)
Another one about unlikely pairs hooking up. The text reads: Mork and Buck Rogers, their intergalactal attraction could no longer be denied...you do the math.
Close up of "the woman inside Buck Rogers"
Holy Matrimony
It's a wedding! Godzilla and Spectreman are making honest critters out of eachother.
Marching Band and Drumline
Don't know what this has to do with love, really.
I Love Robert: A Self Portrait (acrylic, pencil, epoxy, and celluloid doll on wood structure)
This is about me actually. Its a long story but when I was little I used to wish I was a little boy. So much that I would tell strangers my name was Robert. They believed me until they met my parents who refused to go along with my secret identity. So this piece is about loving the unconventional little Robert inside of me.
The view of God ( acrylic, pencil, epoxy, and wooden cut outs on old drawer) Everyone is a baby deep down. At least that's what I tell myself when I'm really pissed at someone.
1 comment:
hey haley,
remember me from eddie's with kelly? love your art. i'll have to come to your show in may... check out my mother's website at http://web.mac.com/junannepeck/Junanne_Peck/PECK.html
she is my muse and inspiration in every way. i'd love to share my art with you, i have a few pics up on my myspace but we'd have to be friends cause it's set to private. get my email from kelly to find me online.
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